Alfa Laval MBPX is a range of high speed separators specially designed for the pharmaceutical industry and microbiological separation applications. Separation of suspended particles typically sized 0.5 – 500µm is highly efficient thanks to the unique gentle processing. The range includes machines for small batches and advanced separation systems for large scale production.

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Designed for minimal shear stress, absence of oxygen, low power consumption an low noise level

  • High product yield and minimal losses
  • Designed to meet high hygiene demands
  • High separation efficiency results in reduced fouling of downstream polishing filters

MBPX separation systems are used in production of vaccines or other biopharmaceutical products, typically for clarification i.e. harvesting of microbial cells, cell cultures and precipitated proteins.

Thanks to the unique hermetic design the MBPX separation systems achieve gentle and foam free processing and the result is high yield and minimal product losses. The fully hermetic conditions also contribute to high hygiene design by fully wetted contact areas during CIP (cleaning in place).

Customized separation system

The MBPX separators are offered as customized, fully automated systems, for safety and efficiency. Skid mounted solutions for the smaller sizes and modular system for the large systems, including piping and components for service and process liquids, as well as electrical system and PLC. The complete system module is factory tested before shipping to ensure highest reliability. Piping and materials fulfil ASME BPE standard as well as CFR part 11 and USP class VI for product wetted polymers and seal rings.

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Hermetic Design: an expert view

Our expert in life-science and industrial fermentation applications has been working with separation technology for more than 30 years. Watch this video to hear him explain the inner workings of the Hermetic Design technology. Learn more about the various benefits it can bring to products across a wide spectrum of different industries and applications.

Související produkty

Testování, validace a škálovatelnost vašeho příštího řešení pro separaci

Ať už modernizujete výrobní linku nebo provádíte ověření konceptu, Alfa Laval vám pomůže s jistotou vybrat to správné řešení separátoru. Jednoduše se s námi spojte a domluvte si konzultaci a zkoušky v jednom z našich testovacích center nebo pronájem zařízení pro testování na místě.

Testing separation solutions

Take advantage of Alfa Laval features

All MBPX models are developed with the benefit of Alfa Laval’s more than 130 years of experience with disc stack separation technology and our deep knowledge of customer processes. Find out how all that expertise has gone into unique features for improved clarification performance.

featured brands vignette

Separátor Innovator

Chcete se o našich inovacích v technologii separace dozvědět více? Klikněte na následující odkaz. Společnost Alfa Laval vynalezla první talířový separátor a již více než sto let je v čele vývoje technologie odstřeďování. Jsme rádi, že se s vámi můžeme podělit o odborné znalosti, které jsme v průběhu času získali. Navštivte naši databázi znalostí Separator Innovator, kde se dozvíte více o pokroku v separaci a o krocích, které společnost Alfa Laval činí, aby dále pokračovala ve vývoji revolučních technologií.

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